The simplest way to register non-EU employees to work in Poland is the “Declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner”. The process of obtaining this document requires an understanding of Polish law and can be issued for a maximum period of up to 24 months.

A foreigner does not have to obtain a permit if the District Labor Office enters a document on entrusting him with work in the Register of Declarations, provided that the work is performed in accordance with this declaration.

If you are an employer and want to employ a foreigner with Armenian, Belarusian, Georgian, Moldovan or Ukrainian citizenship, you can use the simplified procedure of obtaining this document.

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The main difference between a declaration and a work permit is that a work declaration can only be issued for citizens of five specific countries: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine.

The initial requirements for work under the simplified procedure include entering a declaration of work by the district employment establishment into the register of declarations and having a document confirming the foreigner’s legal stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Declaring work by a citizen of another country entitles you to perform non-seasonal work, which must start no later than 6 months from the date of submitting the declaration.

How to obtain a document confirming entrusting work to a foreigner?

  • The application must be submitted by the employer to the district labor office.
  • Some district labor offices may require submitting applications online via, especially in large cities such as Warsaw or Wrocław. However, some employment offices do not accept online applications, so if in doubt, check the website of the specific employment office.
  • An application on the intention to entrust work to a foreigner can also be sent by post, after purchasing a confirmation of posting. The office will then contact you regarding next steps.
  • The district labor office enters the declaration in the Register.
  • The employer then forwards the registered declaration to the foreigner.
  • On the basis of this declaration, the foreigner applies for a residence title that allows him to work in Poland, e.g. if he did not have one before, both in the country and abroad, depending on the situation.

The employer is obliged to inform the office about the foreigner starting work (no later than on the day of commencement of work) or about not starting work (within 7 days from the date indicated in the declaration).

The employer must also register the foreigner in the social and health insurance system within seven days, which gives him the right to benefits in the event of illness, accident at work, maternity and medical care in Poland.

The following documents must be attached to the declaration:

  • Copies of the employer’s valid identity card, and if the employer is a legal person, a copy of an excerpt from the National Court Register (KRS).

  • Copies of all full pages of your current foreign travel document, such as a passport.

  • Confirmation of payment of the application fee.

  • Declaration of no criminal record in connection with the circumstances specified in Art. 88z section 5 points 1-6 of the Act on employment promotion and labor market institutions.

  • Authorization or power of attorney, if an attorney acts in the case.

    Registration of a declaration of intention to entrust work to a foreigner eliminates the need to conduct a labor market test by the District Labor Office, thus accelerating the process of legalizing the employment of foreigners.

Presentation of the cooperation process and the advantages of using VITWORKER services

Are you looking for professional help in employing a foreigner? Ask Vitworker for help! Our specialized team provides comprehensive service and a quick employment process. Contact us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

After contacting our company, the client receives detailed information about the cooperation process and the benefits of employing non-EU employees in Poland. At the beginning of cooperation, we conduct an interview during which we thoroughly discuss the needs and requirements for employing a foreigner. Additionally, we prepare the necessary documents to obtain the “Statement”. Then, after submitting the documentation to the appropriate office, Vitworker follows the administrative procedure and regularly informs the client about its progress.

The benefits of choosing Vitworker services are invaluable. Firstly, entrepreneurs can be sure that their documentation is fully compliant with Polish law, which eliminates delays and unpleasant consequences in the form of fines and penalties. Secondly, hiring a non-EU employee can bring many benefits, such as increasing cultural diversity in the company and expanding knowledge about other countries.

In today’s globalized labor market, employing a foreigner is becoming the norm for most Polish entrepreneurs. However, the process of “entrusting work to a foreigner based on a declaration” is quite complicated and requires knowledge of Polish labor law and administrative procedures. This is where Vitworker comes in and offers its services to help you complete this document.

How to use Vitworker’s services? You can contact us in several ways. The easiest and fastest way is to use the contact form available on the company’s website. You can also call the provided telephone number or send an e-mail.

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About us

We ensure recruitment in advance, providing long-term, ready-to-work employees, perfectly tailored to your needs. Regardless of whether you need specialists or solid manual workers, you can count on us.